How will you take the lead in your life, your career and business in 2014?
The end of a year is always a time for reflection. As each one passes seemingly more quickly that the previous, we usher in a new year with the opportunity to pause and appreciate special moments that...
View ArticleAre you feeling the love? Five tips to be happier, productive and inspired at...
I will always remember the antics of one of my co-workers whose desk was beside mine at my first corporate job. Dan would saunter into the office whenever it suited him and immediately announce his...
View ArticleWhy New Year Resolutions Fail: Five ways to lead yourself in 2015
re·solve verb \ri-ˈzälv, -ˈzȯlv also -ˈzäv or -ˈzȯv\ :To make a definite and serious decision to do something. Eat less. Exercise more. Get a new job. Start a savings plan. Ditch your partner…whatever...
View ArticleWhy New Year Resolutions Fail: Five ways to lead yourself in 2015
re·solve verb \ri-ˈzälv, -ˈzȯlv also -ˈzäv or -ˈzȯv\ :To make a definite and serious decision to do something. Eat less. Exercise more. Get a new job. Start a savings plan. Ditch your partner…whatever...
View ArticleConfidence, Composure, Credibility: How to maintain a collaborative spirit at...
It is often said that we spend more time with our work colleagues than our own families. With many of us working long hours, the pressure of juggling multiple tasks, doing more with less and managing...
View ArticleThree reasons why you aren’t winning the talent war
Although the buzzwords “Talent Management” were first coined more than 15 years ago, many organizations are still searching for ways to attract and retain the best and brightest in order win the talent...
View ArticleWhy New Year Resolutions Fail: Five ways to lead yourself in 2015
re·solve verb \ri-ˈzälv, -ˈzȯlv also -ˈzäv or -ˈzȯv\ :To make a definite and serious decision to do something. Eat less. Exercise more. Get a new job. Start a savings plan. Ditch your partner…whatever...
View ArticleSeven deadly mistakes that destroy employee motivation
Originally published in the Globe and Mail Leadership Lab Column Don is the CEO of a family run business. His entrepreneurial roots span three generations and he is fiercely proud of his lineage . When...
View ArticleThree strategies to respond positively to negative feedback
“You can catch more flies with honey than vinegar”…Anon If you have ever been at the receiving end of criticism, either from a co-worker or manager, it is likely you have found yourself struggling to...
View ArticleResentment, Resistance, Rejection: Demystifying the Fear of Change
Nothing changes if nothing changes. The only constant is change. All great changes were preceded by chaos…Wise and witty sayings on the subject of change that have become popularized and shared through...
View ArticleThe art of asking questions – Your biggest communication asset
Mark always prided himself as an exceptional negotiator and communicator, yet during a recent performance review with an employee, he was accused of reneging on a promotion offered during a...
View ArticleAre you a Positive Influencer or a Chronic Complainer? Choose wisely.
Earlier this month, I had the pleasure of meeting and working with an association that invited me to speak at their annual conference on the subject of influence. Although their membership is extremely...
View ArticleUnderstanding unconscious bias: Your perception becomes your truth
Spanish philosopher George Santayana said in the Life of Reason: “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” (1905-1906) If there is any truth to the notion that history repeats...
View ArticleLeadership Lesson: Can You Motivate “Dead Wood” Employees?
“I’m done.” These are thoughts or words that indicate an employee’s time with your organization has come to an end. Of course, many people reach this point for reasons that have nothing to do with low...
View ArticleWorkaholism – A Sanctioned Addiction: A Message For Dedicated Slaves…And...
How do you extricate yourself from an unhealthy work situation? Is it more difficult to do when you relish a challenge? Can you tell the difference between being a workaholic and a hard worker? If you...
View ArticleOut Of Control: Three Reasons Why We Can’t (Or Won’t) Get Off The Work Treadmill
“There aren’t enough hours in the day.” …The catchcry for the busy professional who laments the fact that if it were possible to cram more hours into a day, he or she would make it so. When will the...
View ArticleWhat is Leadership Development?
So what is leadership development, and why is it important to your organization and the success of your business? Some people might say, “We’ve got to get more customers, we’ve got to find the best...
View ArticleThe impact of a Stable Personal Life on Leadership Ability
A key characteristic of great executive is to have a stable personal life, a balanced life. You may think to yourself, how realistic is that? Well, the best executives recognize that burnout is not the...
View ArticleWhy Conflict Management is an Essential Interpersonal Skill
Conflict management is the higher order of interpersonal skills. It is so important as a leader that you are able, that you that the ability, the competency, to be able to manage conflict. You may...
View ArticleWhy humility is important in Leadership
When I think back to my career and one of the most influential leaders in my history at work, it was an individual who practiced tremendous humility and I found it to be an incredibly attractive...
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